Yesterday (on the opening day of the new Batman movie) I search the Internet for the Batman formula and it's implementations in R. I found several links that used the ggplot2 library however only one was working with the latest version of the package. With minor changes, this is the result that I got for the Batman curve.
In order to distinguish the codes for the individual curves you can run this script in R which will result to the following image

plotting individual values within multiple groups together with their means
In this post I show how groupScatterPlot(), function of the rnatoolbox R package can be used for plotting the individual values in several groups together with their mean (or other statistics). I think this is a useful function for plotting grouped data when some groups (or all groups) have few data points ! You may be wondering why to include such function in the rnatoolbox package ?! Well ! I happen to use it quit a bit for plotting expression values of different groups of genes/transcripts in a sample or expression levels of a specific gene/transcript in several sample groups. These expression value are either FPKM, TPM, LCPM, or PSI values (Maybe I should go through these different normalizations later in a different post 😐!). But of course its application is not restricted to gene expression or RNAseq data analysis.
Inferring the sex of the subjects from RNAseq BAM files
In this post I show how classifySex(), function of the rnatoolbox R package can be used for inferring the sex of the studied subjects from their binary alignment bam files. The sex can be a source of unwanted variation within the data, for which you may want to adjust your differential gene expression or splicing analysis. However, complete metadata are unfortunately not always available. Furthermore, sometimes details within metadata are incorrect or have been misplaced due to manual error. Therefore, it is a good practice to quickly double check some details within the data to either complete the missing metadata information or to make sure that the prior stages have been performed without any accidental mix-ups. For muscle tissues, this showed to be useful on our ribo-depleted RNAseq data.
NOTE! Earlier the function referred to in this post was named differently(i.e. getGender). Since version 0.2.1 classifySex() is used.
Assessing the number of mapped reads in several bam files
Recently I have started to organize my commonly used functions related to quality assessment and analyzing RNAseq data into an R package. It is called rnatoolbox and it is available here. In this post I introduce getMappedReadsCount(), i.e. a function that can be used for checking the number of aligned/mapped fragments in several bam files and detecting the outliers. The outliers are the bam files with oddly high (i.e. exceeding1.5 times the interquartile) and oddly low (i.e. lower than 1.5 times the interquartile) number of mapped fragments.
adhan package: retrieving and aligning the prayer times in R
The adhan package is available here !
The prayer times cannot always be estimated accurately in some places such as countries located in higher latitudes (e.g. the Nordic countries) . as for instance during midsummer time the Fajr may be impossible to estimate or in other words it may simply not exist ! Some Muslim residents of those countries follow Prayer times of other places such as Mecca and Medina.
The prayer times cannot always be estimated accurately in some places such as countries located in higher latitudes (e.g. the Nordic countries) . as for instance during midsummer time the Fajr may be impossible to estimate or in other words it may simply not exist ! Some Muslim residents of those countries follow Prayer times of other places such as Mecca and Medina.
Hierarchical clustering, cutting the tree and colouring the tree leaves based on sample classes
Unsupervised machine learning methods such as hierarchical clustering allow us to discover the trends and patterns of similarity within the data. Here, I demonstrate by using a test data, how to apply the Hierarchical clustering on columns of a test data matrix. Note that as my main focus is Bioinformatics application, I assume that the columns of the matrix represent individual samples and the rows represent the genes or transcripts or some other biological feature.
MD5 for large files, and folders with subfolders and many files
Note ! the & sign is to run the command in background.
Getting MD5 sum for all files and writing it to a txt file in Linux.
md5sum * > myChecklist.txt &
Getting MD5 sum for all files and subfolders and writing it to a txt file in Linux.
find ./ -type f -exec md5sum {} + > myChecklist.txt &
Getting MD5 sum for all files and writing it to a txt file in Mac.
md5 -r * > myChecklist.txt &
Getting MD5 sum for all files and subfolders and writing it to a txt file in Mac.
Getting MD5 sum for all files and writing it to a txt file in Linux.
md5sum * > myChecklist.txt &
Getting MD5 sum for all files and subfolders and writing it to a txt file in Linux.
find ./ -type f -exec md5sum {} + > myChecklist.txt &
Getting MD5 sum for all files and writing it to a txt file in Mac.
md5 -r * > myChecklist.txt &
Getting MD5 sum for all files and subfolders and writing it to a txt file in Mac.
Correlation in R ( NA friendliness, accepting matrix as input, returning p values, visualization, and Pearson vs Spearman)
Many times, in our projects, we may need to compare different measured factors in our samples to one another, and study whether they are linearly dependent. These information can also help us to detect covariates and factors that affect our studies but we would like to adjust for/remove their effects (more on this at sometime later). Here, I mention several functions that can be used to perform correlation tests. All of these functions do support both Pearson and ranked (Spearman) methods. Note that in the end of this post I will focus on these two different methods (i.e. Pearson vs Spearman) and show their differences in application.
Maintining the data frame fromat when indexing
Occasionally when indexing data frames the format is converted, leading to confusing consequences. As for instance, when indexing to select a single column the result is a 'numeric' or 'integer' vector. The following demonstrates this :
Venus (female) and Mars (male) symbols in R plot - using Unicode
When analyzing a data constructed of individuals (or samples from individuals) of both male and female of a species (e.g. humans), often it is a good idea to compare the distribution of the various studied parameters for the males to those for the females. As for instance in RNAseq analysis, it is the measured expression of many genes may differ significantly between the studied males and females. In other words the gender may exhibit 'batch effect' in the gene expression data.
Plotting multiple Venndiagram (or diagrams) in single screen
Here is an example of plotting 4 venn diagrams in a single screen with a 2*2 layout.
#defining vectors
av<- 1:10
bv<- 12:20
cv<- 7:15
# Building venndiagram grid objects (i.e.
#defining vectors
av<- 1:10
bv<- 12:20
cv<- 7:15
# Building venndiagram grid objects (i.e.
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