Yesterday (on the opening day of the new Batman movie) I search the Internet for the Batman formula and it's implementations in R. I found several links that used the ggplot2 library however only one was working with the latest version of the package. With minor changes, this is the result that I got for the Batman curve.
In order to distinguish the codes for the individual curves you can run this script in R which will result to the following image
In this post I show how groupScatterPlot(), function of the rnatoolbox R package can be used for plotting the individual values in several groups toge
plotting individual values within multiple groups together with their means
In this post I show how classifySex(), function of the rnatoolbox R package can be used for inferring the sex of the studied subjects from their bina
Inferring the sex of the subjects from RNAseq BAM files
2Recently I have started to organize my commonly used functions related to quality assessment and analyzing RNAseq data into an R package.
Assessing the number of mapped reads in several bam files
Many times, in our projects, we may need to compare different measured factors in our samples to one another, and study whether they are linearly depe
Correlation in R ( NA friendliness, accepting matrix as input, returning p values, visualization, and Pearson vs Spearman)
2Many times, in our projects, we may need to compare different measured factors in our samples to one another, and study whether they are linearly depe
Many times, in our projects, we may need to compare different measured factors in our samples to one another, and study whether they are linearly depe
Many times, in our projects, we may need to compare different measured factors in our samples to one another, and study whether they are linearly depe
Occasionally when indexing data frames the format is converted, leading to confusing consequences.
Maintining the data frame fromat when indexing
Example of a fastq file in read 1 (in paired read sequencing) is as follows:
@SRR3117565.1.1 1 length=100
@SRR3117565.1.1 1 length=100
Modifying read names in fastq and bam files
Yesterday (on the opening day of the new Batman movie) I search the Internet for the Batman formula and it's implementations in R.
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