Example of a fastq file in read 1 (in paired read sequencing) is as follows:

@SRR3117565.1.1 1 length=100
+SRR3117565.1.1 1 length=100
@SRR3117565.2.1 2 length=100
+SRR3117565.2.1 2 length=100

Example of a fastq file in read 2 is as follows:
@SRR3117565.1.2 1 length=100
+SRR3117565.1.2 1 length=100
@SRR3117565.2.2 2 length=100
+SRR3117565.2.2 2 length=100
Following script fix it such that both fastq files (corresponding to the paired sequencing reads) of sample SRR3117565 have similar read names.
nohup sed 's/\([@|\+]SRR.*\)\.1.*/\1/' ./SRR3117565_1.fastq > ./SRR3117565_1.correctId.fastq &
nohup sed 's/\([@|\+]SRR.*\)\.2.*/\1/'./SRR3117565_2.fastq > ./SRR3117565_2.correctId.fastq &

Modify read names in bam files in Linux

In this example I would show how to remove ":1" and ":2" at the end of the query/read-names that show the first and the second paired read. If the reads/query names start with "SRR" the following scripts can be used:

samtools view ./file.bam | perl -pe 's/(^SRR.*?):[1-2]\t/\1\t/g' > ./file.sam
cat ./file.sam | samtools view -bS - > ./file_modified.bam

or all together the following script can be run:

samtools view ./file.bam | perl -pe 's/(^SRR.*?):[1-2]\t/\1\t/g' | samtools view -bS - > ./file_modified.bam

In the end the string modification may mix up the header of the bam files, as a solution to the problem the header could be seprataed the then reattached as following:
samtools view -H /netapp/seqRawData/eugeneMouse/DIV0.bam > /netapp/seqRawData/eugeneMouse/DIV0_head.sam &
samtools view /netapp/seqRawData/eugeneMouse/DIV0.bam | perl -pe 's/(^.*?):[1-2]\t/\1\t/g' > /netapp/seqRawData/eugeneMouse/DIV0M.sam &
cat /netapp/seqRawData/eugeneMouse/DIV0_head.sam /netapp/seqRawData/eugeneMouse/DIV0M.sam |samtools view -bS - > /netapp/seqRawData/eugeneMouse/DIV0M.bam


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I am a Postdoc researcher at the Neuromuscular Disorders Research lab and Genetic Determinants of Osteoporosis Research lab, in University of Helsinki and Folkhälsan RC. I specialize in Bioinformatics. I am interested in Machine learning and multi-omics data analysis. My go-to programming language is R.
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