Ali Oghabian


The topics covered in this post are:

R and IntEREst version Files in the zip Annotating u12 type introns of HG38 ncRNAs with U12-type introns U12 annotation comparison Reference Files in the zip

You can download the zip file the includes all the scripts and R objects from here. The files in the zip/folder include:

annoFil.rda R object file. A data frame that includes various annotations and information for the latest ENSEMBL genes (GRCh38.p12). AllU12Introns.tsv Tab separated text file. Includes the detecetd U12-type introns and their annotations. ens38UncolMod.rda ENSEMBL reference that includes gene and transcript IDs together with coordinates of the introns and exons. ensHg38UncolFilpaste60AnnoMat_40_don07_bp14.rda R object file.
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I am a Postdoc researcher at the Neuromuscular Disorders Research lab and Genetic Determinants of Osteoporosis Research lab, in University of Helsinki and Folkhälsan RC. I specialize in Bioinformatics. I am interested in Machine learning and multi-omics data analysis. My go-to programming language is R.
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